As part of its policy to enhance the concept of societal partnership and serving society and instilling these values in the business community Sharjah Chamber supports events and programs of humanitarian, social and educational nature, and encourages the private sector to interact with and support these events to enhance societal partnership as part of the UAE’s keen efforts in this field and an essential pivot for increasing contributions to achieving a more effective future and productivity for social life that relies on cooperation and solidarity and enhances work partnerships for a sustainable development, as adopting societal partnerships leads to elevating corporate excellence, as many successful establishments comprise such initiatives in addition to aiming to make so called clean profit or “ ethical investment”. Sharjah Chamber sets societal responsibility as one of its top priorities and seeks to spread this culture of principles through various means available at its members’ establishments in the private sector that build bridges of cooperation and coordination with government authorities and the private sector, which contributes to social and environmental development through joint work mechanisms.